UNISON EMAS Campaign update
Following months of planning, gathering evidence and preparation UNISON EMAS branch launched their ‘put our banding right campaign’ on the 1st September. In the first month there has been a fantastic response over 200 online surveys completed. UNISON members and non-members have completed the online survey which will be used as evidence to demand a re-evaluation and back pay. UNISON intend raising this matter collectively with the employer on behalf of all UNISON members. The more surveys we have the more powerful our argument.
The aims of our campaign are simple: –
The Patient Care Assistants who work within Patient Transport have seen a significant change in their role over the years. A full evaluation must be undertaken locally to determine pay banding.
The Ambulance Support Crews and Emergency Care Assistants roles cannot be matched to a national JEG profile, a full evaluation must be undertaken locally to determine pay banding.
Negotiate a claim for backpay.
Patient Care Assistants are under-paid, under-valued and taken for granted. They have been pushed down to band 2 and often work outside of their current role profile. In addition to this staff shortages have directly impacted upon this group. Whilst the job has changed over time the role has not been reviewed for years. UNISON believe this should be re-assessed and banded correctly. Nationally the Job Evaluation Group has reviewed information as part of the emergency services review and produced three new dispatch profiles. UNISON believe that EMAS Ambulance Support Crew’s and Emergency Care Assistants fall into the Emergency Services- Ambulance Practitioner band 4 profile and should have their role reassessed.
If UNISON are unable to reach an agreement with the employer a collective grievance will be launched on behalf of all UNISON members.
UNISON are the only union actively campaigning to get re-banding, If you are not yet a UNISON member use the join unison section of the site to join us, be part of the collective campaign to put your banding right and back pay.
Stuart Hallowes
Branch Secretary EMAS Branch
Posted: 15th November 2023