Dear Colleague,
I am writing to update you on an issue that affects our NEPTS colleagues in Lincolnshire. UNISON have recently been informed by NEPTS members in Lincolnshire that management are changing their rota system at short notice with effect from 3rd June 2024.
Unfortunately, a decision has been made to implement GRS changes prior to completing consultation with UNISON, other trade unions or those employees affected. There has been no one to one consultation meetings with members to seek their views on the changes or consider how the changes will impact on issues such as childcare arrangements.
Given the short time-frame and impact the new rotas would have on NEPTS members, and the fact that the consultation has not been completed correctly. UNISON have registered a dispute with EMAS requesting that the current arrangements, or status quo applies until proper meaningful consultation can take place and is formally concluded with notice of changes once complete.
UNISON have registered a dispute on the following points: –
- UNISON members who were transferred from HTG to EMAS under TUPE in July 2023 have not had any meaningful consultation, or one to one meeting to explain the organisational need to change their T&C (rotas) since transferring. This is a potential breach of TUPE Regulations.
- UNISON members who were not subject to TUPE have not been correctly consulted on the change to their planned rota. This is a breach of the Organisational Change Policy.
- UNISON have not been consulted on the changes to the rota system in line with the Organisational Change Policy.
- Employees concerns and feedback regarding implications on their work life balance and potential impacts on childcare have not been acknowledged.
UNISON are unhappy over the way this issue has been handled and are concerned over the wider implications if this is left unchallenged. There has not been a sufficient time line afforded for this to be properly considered and consultation has not been to the level we have previously experienced from the Trust. It is also unacceptable that our members are given just 2 weeks’ notice that their rota will change especially as many have childcare arrangements to sort out.
UNISON have also suggested a way forward which is as follows:
- The status-quo remains in relation to current shift rotas. This will allow meaningful consultation to take place with the trade union and individuals affected. We are proposing a delay to any possible changes to allow for arrangements to be made and to take account of any pre-booked leave over summer. This will allow meaningful discussions in partnership to take place.
- During this period all parties, should work in partnership to identify solutions to the issues that exist.
We will continue open dialogue with the Trust and strive to work in partnership to come to an amicable conclusion for all staff.
Further updates will be circulated to members when we have met with EMAS.
Kind regards
Stuart Hallowes
UNISON EMAS Branch secretary
EMAS Technician
Posted: 14th May 2024