The main issue for conference was pay and the recent industrial dispute.
Christina McAnea UNISONs General Secretary Monday afternoons speech very much focused on this and the hard work all activists had done in the Ballot for industrial action. This was followed on Tuesday morning with a standing ovation for all the Branches that managed to achieve a mandate to take action this included our own branch. Other highlights include…
An emergency Motion on agenda for change pay
- Declare UNISON accept mandate at the NHS Staff Council and explore the potential to establish a joint position with other trade unions.
- Seek conformation from the department of health & social care and NHS Employers that the pay offer will be implemented at the earliest opportunity.
Our own Branch Secretary spoke in favour on this issue in his first speech to conference. The conference voted overwhelmingly in favour of this motion.
The emergency motion – No separate pay spine for nurses.
Conference called on the SGE to.
- Collectively work with other unions in health care to reject these proposals and highlight the danger of dismantling a harmonised pay spine and collective agreement for NHS. As well as focus on widening the existing re-banding work that is taking place for those who’s roles have significantly changed over time.
Motion 19 was on the Ambulance pressures and the impact on ambulance staff. There were some very emotional addresses on this subject and a clear picture was given to the conference we face day to day. There will be more on this at a latter date and the campaign we plan to run as a Branch.
The conference voted in favour of supporting the Ambulance sector in a campaign around mental health, stress and workload.
Motion 31 Fighting privatisation in the ambulance sector.
Conference noted that the privatisation across the Ambulance sector as been deeply damaging for both the service and staff. Quite often this outsourced work can lead to worse pay and terms and conditions than their NHS counterparts.
Conference noted that sadly the ambulance sector has been particularly targeted in recent years for privatisation. Conference was particularly concerned with the increase in private operators in patient transport services, in some cases these contracts are ended early due to the provider not been able to provide the service required by the NHS commissioners.
It was also noted that outsourcing in the ambulance sector is not just restricted to PTS. In 2022 NHS England awarded a national £30 million pound contract for additional ambulance capacity to a non-NHS provider when instead this could have been invested in services, pay and staffing at the NHS own ambulance services.
Conference voted to.
- Continue resisting privatisation in all forms particularly as it relates to the ambulance sector.
- Highlight the importance of PTS and 111 as a integral part of the wider emergency services system.
- Work with regions and branches on campaigns to bring outsourced services back into the NHS.
Next year’s conference will be held in Brighton. If you feel you have an issue that could be raised at the national Health Conference or would like to become a UNISON activist, please contact us.
Posted: 26th April 2023