Jo Mills
Lead Rep

Assistant Branch Secretary, Recruitment Officer, Membership Officer, ERA Steward, Health and Safety Rep, Union Learning Rep, Equality Rep.

Mobile: 07714 999 463
Email: joanne.mills@emas.nhs.uk

Donna Clay

ERA Steward, Health and Safety Rep, Union Learning Rep.

Mobile: N/A
Email: donna.clay@emas.nhs.uk

Stephanie Homer

ERA Steward

Mobile: N/A
Email: stephanie.homer@emas.nhs.uk

Shakir Yousufzai

Workplace Contact

Mobile: N/A
Email: shakir.yousufzai@emas.nhs.uk

Christina Mellors

Workplace Contact

Mobile: N/A
Email: christina.mellors@emas.nhs.uk

If you are interested in becoming a rep, please click here to get in touch.